Monday, June 6, 2011

I Don’t Get It; Is This A Magic Show?

So, here’s what I’ve done since Monday. It hasn’t been too exciting, so thus I won’t be writing too much. That goes for Monday itself, where I had the usual meal that you’d expect from Memorial Day, which is homemade burger and fries. Good stuff. Tuesday was more of the same, so…

I’ll skip ahead to Wednesday, where I spent the evening at Walt Disney World as I saw the 4th Pirates of the Caribbean film. Hey, I saw the first three on the big screen, so I might as well do the same with the fourth, and in 3D on the big screen and fancy sound system they have at that particular AMC. I had a frozen treat there and via the Coca Cola Freestyle machine, a Vanilla Sprite. It tastes exactly like how you think it would, and I mean that as a positive. The movie itself… not so much a positive. Sure, it’s better than that God-awful 3rd movie (At World’s End), but that’s like saying something is better than falling groin-first on a cactus plant! It’s not convoluted and overwrought like the other sequels… doesn’t mean it wasn’t as stupid as the other sequels, as boy did I think it was stupid way too often. I wrote more about it in my movie reviews blog, located at:

The highlight of my Thursday was helping out that one person by bringing their iPod to the local Barnes & Noble to update their apps, which I did. I also bought a book there. Exciting stuff, I know. Friday, the highlight was me going to the local Walgreens to purchase some new shampoo. I once again got some more Axe products. I know, their advertising and general nature suggests “douchebag”, at least to me. As I’ve mentioned before, the reason why I use Axe is NOT because I’m the Jersey Shore type who lives by the credo of GTL and wears gaudy Ed Hardy shirts*; rather, it’s because they have a variety of different shampoos, body washes, deodorants, and so on and so forth. Diversity is neat, so that’s why I use their products. So anyhow, at that Walgreens they were having a sale on several different packages of Axe products bundled together, so I got two new pairs of shampoo, body wash, and deodorant, even though with the latter two I already have a decent amount of them beforehand. Hey, get clean to get dirty!

* No offense to anyone who watches that show and/or wear those shirts. I know enough people who fit into one or both categories that it’s a good idea for me to use that disclaimer.

Saturday, I didn’t do anything but stay in and watch the free UFC show on Spike TV (along with the other fights on the card that aired on Facebook; I only saw a few of those). Eh, it was fine-enough, I suppose. Lowered expectations helped. I did not attend a local wrestling show up in Sanford that was a reunion show of a former longtime local wrestling fed. I had been to their shows before but stopped going due to reasons too complex to get into here. The last show I was at, some individual named Fish who I had argued with online before (and had some sort of role in the company; even now I have no idea who this clown was or what he did in the company) had Larry Zbyszko (yes, the wrestler who feuded with Bruno Sammartino in ’79 and ’80 and later was a World Championship Wrestling announcer/sometime wrestler in the 90’s) cut a promo against me! At the time I was flabbergasted, but now, I guess I should be flattered that a famous wrestling personality devoted such attention to me. For some bizarre reason, Larry is a pal of all the Toadies. Lord knows why. I have more of a problem with him for that friendship than what happened at that local wrestling show, to be honest. So, I figured that was a good reason not to attend the show. I wouldn’t think anything bad would happen, but who knows for sure.

Sunday, I went and saw The Hangover, Part II, which is where I got the title for this blog post. I figured I shouldn’t use one of the many funny and profane lines, as I don’t want to offend. Once you see the movie, you’ll get it. It’s from one of the more gross moments. As you may have heard, it’s pretty much exactly like the first movie, such as how Home Alone 2 compares to the first Home Alone. Despite that and some behavior from the Alan character that was off-putting, I still managed to laugh and enjoy it enough to where I didn’t feel bad about seeing it. To read more, sometime late tonight I’ll post a fuller review for it on the aforementioned movie reviews blog.

So, that was about it for this week. I’m planning on the next blog on the 13th to be more entertaining than this one, I promise.

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