Monday, June 13, 2011

It’s Awesome A La Knight Rider

I am referencing this ad* for an Australian beer which is definitely marketed for the “hip” Internet crowd, but hey, it’s great. Any commercial involving a beer doing various things to become awesome-including a monster truck DeLorean, the Knight Rider theme, and a ferret-is A-OK by me. Besides, Knight Rider is one of the few shows I distinctly remember watching as a little kid. At the time I thought it was marvelous. I haven’t watched it as an adult to see if I still think it’s marvelous. After all, I also dug Alf as a kid, and in hindsight… not a good decision.


Before anyone asks, in reference to the blog I posted on Friday, I still don’t have an update on that one young lady, except that I believe she’s still alive. Like I said, if I find out sometime in the future (it may take many days to find out, if I ever do get an answer) her status, I’ll mention it.

Anyhow…the rest of Monday was not noteworthy at all so I’ll get to Tuesday. It wasn’t the best of days for me (don’t ask why; it wasn’t anything serious) so I made the decision to go to good old Buffalo Wild Wings to watch the big NBA Finals game. As with the other games in the series, there was a lot of sloppy play (it’s not like when I watched the NBA back in the good old days of the 90’s. Not to sound like an old man on the porch who yells at young people to get off his lawn, but it really was better back then); still, the 4th quarters were pretty exciting in terms of coming down to the wire. The fact that Dallas won the big game made me happy, as I am not a Miami fan at all. That made up for the annoying Miami Heat fans there, who were loudmouth whiners, for the most part. LeBron James folding like an accordion under the pressure was pretty hee-larious too.

Wednesday was nothing-happening, and the only interesting thing I did on Thursday was watch the next NBA Finals game at home, where once again Dallas won, and once again I was happy. Also once again, LeBron James ended up folding like an accordion, and that filled my heart with glee. Then, late at night I had to talk to that one girl, and those good vibes went away.

Friday, I saw a film in the evening. I needed to have a good time, so I went to the Enzian and watched an unrated movie called Hobo With A Shotgun, a deliberately insane and wacky trash film that happens to star a legit actor, that being Rutger Hauer. The movie is definitely out there, but yet I managed to enjoy it. If you ever seen Peter Jackson’s early films, such as Meet The Feebles or Dead Alive, then you’ll understand what sort of movie Hobo is, as it’s similar in terms of style and being outrageous. I also saw it buzzed off of some hard cider I had beforehand, and perhaps that was the perfect way to see it.

Saturday, I returned to Buffalo Wild Wings to watch the latest UFC pay per view. It was certainly better than the last UFC pay per view I saw there, or the show they had on Spike TV on Saturday the 4th. The only thing I can think of saying about the night is that I wish I could complain more about all the damn smokers that you encounter when you are watching at the open-air bar. I know, that’s what smokers have to do as they can’t smoke inside, but (and no offense to anyone reading this who likes to light up some tobacco) I think it’s a pretty gross habit and cigarette smoke is not something I enjoy smelling. I could have done without the number of people there that I would put in the “bro” category. There were some loudmouths there too, and I don’t know if I’d put them in the “bro” category or not; no matter what, they were annoying.

Also, while I’ve noticed it on not fight night, when there are MMA fights, there are plenty of pickup trucks or souped-up “ricer mobiles” (as I so politically incorrect put it) in the parking lot. I know people who drive pickup trucks, and I’m sure all of them use them to their fullest of capabilities. I know there are a lot of people who drive pickups just to look “macho” or “tough”, and that is what annoys me. There’s also the stereotype about trucks and people driving them to compensate for something else…I just don’t like those souped-up “Fast & The Furious” vehicles, as generally they just look stupid and lame, IMO. You won’t see me put spinning rims, glowing lights, or any of that dumb poppycock.

Sunday, the only thing of note is that I watched the Dallas Mavericks beat the Miami Heat once again, and now Dallas is NBA Champions. That makes me happy, as not only did LeBron James and his team lose, but Mavericks star Dirk Nowitzki finally has an NBA title, and I’d say he deserves it, as in some circles I know he’s underrated. Also, Dallas owner Mark Cuban is quite the entertaining character, being a geek who became a billionaire and was lucky to buy a team and he became a loud and brash supporter of his team. Not everyone likes him but I almost always find him to entertaining, and it’s nice that he has a title too. Oh yeah, and I’ll join most of America in celebrating that LeBron’s team failed.

My next blog will be up a week from today… at least that’s the plan. Depending on what I do the upcoming week, I may have to split it into two. But, even if I do that the first one would be posted on Monday the 20th. I know for certain that the next blog (or maybe two) will involve Denny’s, a baseball game, and possibly some films on the big screen and a night out on the town.

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