Monday, April 1, 2019

The Godfather: Part II, The Karate Kid, Almdudler & Streaking

No, not me streaking! Rather, it was something I overheard when I was at the Glory Days bar in Lakeland on Friday night. I had a quick bite there along with something to drink after I purchased some soda from the nearby Rocket Fizz store. I happened to sit by two guys, one of whom was quite intoxicated. Drunky McGee was bragging to his buddy about how wild and crazy he was, including being eager to streak if asked! No thank you to that. I was at Glory Days once before in late '17 and it's a fine establishment. I saw parts of a few basketball games there and not all the outcomes were ones that I wanted. Still, at least the team I picked to win it all in my brackets (Michigan State) is one of the four left in the Final Four. Me picking them is definitely not an endorsement or me thinking that how they handled the whole Larry Nasser thing was acceptable...

Now, back to me speaking chronologically. Last Monday evening I went to a local outdoor mall. I went to Target for a few items then ended up at World Market, a place I've discussed before. The one item I purchased there was Almdudler, a drink I hadn't heard of before. It is a lemonade-like beverage from Austria and Almdudler is good. Tuesday, I had to make-you guess it-another airport run. This time it was picking someone up from Orlando International; I killed time at Disney Springs for a bit before making it to OIA. As I have stated before, at any time of day or night, traffic at OIA is quite bad as everyone there drives like they have no clue as to what they are supposed to do and it's just awful.

Wednesday night, I went to a local cineplex to see a classic film. In my life, I have watched all three Godfather films multiple times and the first two are legendary classics. The first one I saw theatrically almost a decade ago, and Wednesday night was the second one. For a movie 200 minutes long, it did not feel like a leg-numbing experience as many films that length are. I am happy I was able to see it that way. Thursday I did nothing but Friday, I went out to Lakeland, a town I hadn't been in for awhile. I already talked about the experience so let me mosey on over to talking about the weekend.

Saturday I stayed at home-Sunday was different. On that day I went and saw another retro film; this time it was The Karate Kid. Now there's a film I hadn't seen in I don't even know how long. It was still fun and the movie is more than just a few famous moments. If only the crowd would have been better... afterwards I had dinner at Chipotle. The first week of April, nothing's on the agenda yet and that's no April Fools' Day joke.

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