Monday, April 29, 2019

26.2 Brew, Fruity Pepsi's & The Greatest Walmart Experience Ever

Last Monday the 22nd wasn't the best day overall by any means yet it contained the greatest moment I've ever experienced inside a Walmart; yes, even better than the time I was behind a woman who bought something like $634 worth of random items then piled it into an old conversion van... and topping the time when I saw several NUNS one random Sunday afternoon. A couple a little older than me were right in front of me checking out and they had two grocery carts jam full of crap. The man paid for both carts and the total was $908! Even better, this was paid with 10 one hundred dollar bills (!) and partly due to the cost, the couple suddenly started arguing with each other... loudly. Judging by the tenor of the conversation, I will presume they've had many loud arguments in the past and their relationship is rather rocky. But at least I can laugh at how absurd all of this was.

The rest of the week was rather quiet in comparison to Monday's madness. Tuesday I did nothing but Wednesday I went to the Florida Mall as I had free time and hadn't been there in awhile. It was largely the same as usual there and I picked up a drink for the drive back home. Thursday was dull so I'll skip to Friday. The destination was Davenport, another area I hadn't visited in a hot minute. There was a purpose to the trip: going to a Best Buy to pick up a new water filter for a refrigerator; I was helping out someone there. While in the area, I went into a bookstore (right next to a movie theatre; on the door was signs warning customers not to give Endgame spoilers) and in the lobby of the Cinepolis, the concession line was unsurprisingly long. Also, there was a Target and while in there, I realized there are three new limited edition Pepsi flavors, two of which they had there. I now know that Pepsi Mango tastes good, and I was happy Pepsi Lime returned. Now I have to find Pepsi Berry somewhere.

The weekend I was not going to do anything; plans changed so I had Saturday dinner at the local Buffalo Wild Wings. I've had an issue or two before with that place but my time there was fine. I used a giftcard given to me this past Christmas, so that was a win for me. I also discovered a beer from Boston that is now national, and until Saturday I had no knowledge of it being a thing. Would you believe there was a beer just for runners and spectators of the Boston Marathon? No kidding. 26.2 Brew is a wheat beer and it was a tasty-enough brew. Personally, I'd also like a drink or two if I had to run a marathon!

Nothing is on the agenda for the upcoming week, as of now. I was happy this past weekend that I don't live in Northern Illinois any longer as there was SNOW... yes, snow in late April. I better not mention that the temperatures down here reached a high of the 80's...

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