Monday, October 1, 2018

Cheddar Goblins, Smelly Patrons & Football Discussion, Both American & Australian

If you're wondering what a “cheddar goblin” is, it's a character that briefly appears in a new Nicolas Cage movie known as Mandy. For most (even me), you can only see it from an online rental via a service like Amazon or iTunes. A lot of people like this cult film but for me, I was rubbed the wrong way. It tried WAY too hard to be “cool” and a cult film; more often than not, a movie that does this will be something I won't like no matter what everyone else thinks. It's also highly pretentious and I found it all to be twaddle, despite a groovy synth score, nice lead performances from Cage & Andrea Riseborough, and at times you do get Crazy Nic Cage.

Anyhow, last Monday I went and got a haircut; as I always say it was much-needed. I also stopped by my city's library, as I hadn't been there in a long time. Tuesday I did nothing but Wednesday I went with someone to a Uno's Pizzeria & Grill. The cheese on my pizza was a little burned but it was still edible. At least we did not have to sit by a couple that walked in with a pungent aroma. We did not notice their stench but the person I was with overheard a conversation where a woman switched tables because the stinky couple was sitting right by them and this woman could not take that olfactory attack and had to get away. 

Thursday, I had to make yet another airport run; I picked someone up at the one in Sanford and drove back home; a good amount of the journey was in rain, some of it quite heavy... so of course people drove even worse than usual, as it's a Florida tradition. Before then I both walked around the mall in Sanford (as I hadn't been there in many, many months) and I ate at a Logan's Roadhouse; there isn't one close by me anymore so I only end up at one on rare occasions. My food was the typical for me but the drink was known as an Electric Lemonade; it was a frozen blue concoction with lemonade. The drink was as good as it sounds, so a wise decision on my part.

Friday through Sunday was devoted to football, both American and Australian. Late Friday night was the Australian Football League Grand Final, which is their championship game. I had no dog in the fight so I just sat back and watched as the West Coast Eagles came from behind to defeat Collingwood by only a few points. From Twitter, I now know that a lot of people don't like Collingwood... I am not quite sure why. Saturday I went and saw another small college football game live; this time it was the Southeastern Fire at the Webber Warriors; Webber does not have a stadium on campus so they've played at various stadiums over the years, and the one I was at on this night was an ancient high school field in Winter Haven with concrete bleachers that were not too comfortable to sit on for a few hours. Still, I can't complain because at least there was plenty of parking at the stadium so I did not have to walk a country mile like I did the previous Saturday. It was a fun game that Southeastern literally won in the final seconds; the score was 20-17.

Sunday, I was able to stay at home and see the Chicago Bears play against the Tampa Bay Bucs. The end result was a shock to even me; Chicago looked like one of the best teams in the NFL (or maybe Tampa Bay is just that bad) as they blistered them to a score of 48-10. I looked, and 2012 was the last season that they destroyed a team that badly. It was exciting to watch and I am glad there was none of that “roughing the passer” nonsense which is only the latest thing the NFL has done to try and ruin their own product... maybe one day I'll rant against that stupidity, but not today. The Bears have a bye week next weekend but I do have some ideas as to what I'll be discussing instead.

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