Monday, July 2, 2018

Coca Cola Georgia Peach, IHOP & Beer, Bacon & Fireworks

Yes I did have an eventful end of June. Last Monday I went into Orlando and that did not turn out as expected. I did not know until I reached O-Town that the main highway through the area (Interstate 4) was completely shut down as someone must have been dumb during construction they are doing on the road and ruptured a gas line. You can imagine how bad all the other roads in Orlando & the suburbs were due to this. All I wanted to do was purchase some items from the Safeway grocery store... at least I was still able to do this and due to the detours I ended up at a Whole Foods for the first time since Amazon bought them. That place isn't too different. As it was nearby, I had dinner at The Habit Burger Grill for the first time. The food did taste fine although them screwing up my order did not make me too happy.

Tuesday I went to Hurricane Grill & Wings w/ someone; after what seemed like a few years, construction on US Highway 27 south of where I live was finally completed, making it less of a hassle to visit places like Hurricane. Their food was good as usual. Wednesday I did nothing and Thursday I went and got a haircut... yes, it was much-needed. Friday, that was quite the day. Like I did in late May, I had to go to the Tampa area to pick someone up late at night. This time, I did something different to kill time. I went to a minor league baseball stadium to see a game; in particular it was the Dunedin Blue Jays hosting the Bradenton Marauders. People may doubt this but it wasn't until after I decided to go there that I found out they were doing a special promotion on this night: Beer, Bacon & Fireworks. As all three things are great, that piqued my interest. This event: if you paid a flat fee, not only did you get a ticket for the game (general admission), you also were able to walk around an area-part of which had a view of the field-and partake in both samples of beer and food which included bacon in some way. I did get my fill of both.

Dunedin ended up winning 11-1; I appreciated how the team waited to score most of its runs only after I had reached the front row seat I picked out. What I saw of the game, it was fun. Thankfully, despite some of those in attendance obviously being intoxicated, fan behavior was not as horrid as it could have been. After that I stopped at a Hooters (the very first one opened, as a matter of fact) to kill more time and consume a snack before I ended up at the airport. Needless to say, Friday was a swell time.

The weekend was more dull, although yesterday someone I know had a birthday; me and two others ended up at an IHOP. I'll still call it IHOP as the IHOB thing is just a publicity stunt (which has worked). The website URL has not changed and everything outside or inside the building aside from the menus say “IHOP”, so that is still their name. Anyhow, at least their food is still tasty. As an aside, this past week I had Coca Cola Georgia Peach; yep it is thirst-quenching. When I return a week from today, my agenda is not as filled but I should still have a good time or two.

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