Monday, July 9, 2018

Sourdough King Burgers, Coco Rolls & Other Tasty Foods

As I suspected, the preceding week I had wasn't as thrilling as the week before that. In fact, I don't have much to talk about at all. When I return a week from today, I could be talking about a weekend out of this world. Last Monday I did end up at a Barnes & Noble. Not everything went to plan but the B&N was a highlight; I purchased two random items. Tuesday I did nothing and Wednesday I stayed in for the 4th of July. As it ended up being a driving rainstorm around the time that the official fireworks at any location would happen, this was a good choice on my part. Besides, I'll still be a bitter old man here and note how “back in the day” the fireworks I saw (in a neighboring town to the one I lived in) as a kid have so many nostalgic memories and were generally great, the ones I see since I moved to Florida just aren't the same. Thursday was more interesting.

Thursday, I went to Lakeland... the outdoor mall they have there, in particular. It's the one I was at a few months ago but did not spend a lot of time at because I decided to attend a wrestling show that night because I randomly saw one of the wrestlers at a gas station. I visited a few of their stores and ate at a Beef O'Brady's Express, an offshoot of the Florida-based restaurant chain. Everything went fine there. Friday I did nothing but Saturday I got food from the local Burger King. I tried their new Sourdough King and that tasted good, at least far as modern Burger King food goes. On the way back I had a traffic issue.... yeah I haven't mentioned it in awhile but to flog the dead horse, Florida drivers are still bad. I honked at someone because they were speeding and it impeded me from getting in the proper lane to turn left. This guy suddenly started to bow up to me and it was like he wanted to chase me. Suddenly, he spotted a police car in the area and he drove away. To be honest, I probably saved that guy a ticket for speeding as I am sure the cop would have pulled him over.

Sunday was me going to Target. Nothing out of the ordinary happened there so let me mention a snack recommendation. I discovered Coco Rolls and they are rolled coconut wafers; they are pretty good whether you have the original or salted caramel.

Like I said I don't have much to talk about; I know that'll change come next Monday.

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