Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Exotic Snakes, People of Walmart, & Creepy Online Relationships

Here's a recap of what I did from Monday up to when I left late Friday morning; tomorrow will be my recap of my time this past weekend in South Florida.

Monday was dull (as usual), Tuesday I went out to dinner with someone I know to a nearby Applebees, Wednesday was my return to bike riding as this time I went to another part of that trail, and Thursday was WalMart. More on that in a minute.

Now, this is out of the ordinary but I came across something so preposterous on Facebook on the page of someone I know (I'll call him Z) that it just has to be preserved for all time. I originally had something far longer written down but I decided to cut it down just to the basics. Basically, on Z's page he laughed about something that happened with a guy I'll call A and a girl I'll call B.

They are friends with some people I know online. The whole deal was explained throughout Monday so I didn't get the full story until later on. A and B got to know each other online and they chatted that way and on the phone/text also. A met B and A got mad because B never sent him a current photo of her and due to her being sick, B weighed quite a bit more than she used to, but it's not like she was 500 or even 300 pounds, not even close to it. Well, A acts like a meathead and literally speeds off in his truck (OF COURSE he drives a truck, not that I'm stereotyping here...), doesn't give her the flowers and chocolate he got for her, and there goes that relationship. Of course, A nor anyone else explained the full situation until later in the night; it turns out that the photos B sent to A... B in real life is a totally different person than the person in the photographs! Not to spoil anything, but someone in that epic thread referenced a certain mysterious documentary that came out in '10 and named after an aquatic animal and yes, that reference is SO appropriate here. I won't say more about the reference as the big deal about the documentary is that the less you know going in the better.

Early in on the thread I got pretty mad, as some people made some weight-related comments about B, and it's more fratboy jock behavior that I do not particularly care for. Later on when the apparent truth about B was revealed, I had less sympathy for her.

But anyhow, B defended herself in the thread and boy that's when the comedy began. B explained that she and A had a passionate relationship online and through the phone device, even to the point that she and him were going to move into a house together and go on a cruise.

Remember, when those plans were made, THEY HADN'T MET IN PERSON YET. Am I the only person who finds that little detail to be absolutely preposterous? I hope not, as I couldn't believe it myself.

Now, I have no idea how old B is, as there's a possibility that who she is and the pictures she has up online of herself may be someone else... even her daughter, which is pretty creepy. No matter her true age/looks, going through all those plans on A's part when they hadn't even met yet... I can't help but laugh at that. I hope that isn't standard human behavior there. Oh, and apparently Z ALLEGEDLY once sent B some nude photos of him in hopes of a hookup! What a mess that situation was-no matter the true story-and I can't believe people like A and B even exist. And don't get me started on how more than one person I know made statements online concerning the bully situation that actually blamed the victim for them getting bullied! Um, no, it's the attacker's fault! I guess those same people blame the rape on the victim rather than the rapists...

On that light note, onto the rest of the week... Tuesday I went with someone to the Applebees that is by the corner of 192 and 429. We hadn't been there in a long, long time. The food and drink tasted good. It's just that the waitress wasn't the best as the order that we got wasn't letter-perfect from what we actually ordered. None of it made it inedible so I won't complain too loudly about it.

Wednesday, I had free time so for what may be the last time in a long while, I went on the James A. Van Fleet State Trail to ride on that old bicycle. This time I rode the northernmost part of the trail. It was nice but not the most scenic part of said trail. Besides the usual birds and butterflies, the only animals I saw were some squirrels (which I can see with little effort in my neighborhood), and... early on I saw something which I couldn't make out; then I got closer and thought it was shedded snake skin. Then, I realize it was an actual living snake! Thankfully it wasn't completely blocking the path so I was able to get around it with no problem. It was actually pretty colorful; it was orange and a white-ish color.

Thursday, the only thing I had to do was go to Walmart. Lord, there were some incredibly rude and loathsome people there; not too surprisingly many of them looked like the type of individuals you'd see on the People of Walmart website.

I'll be back sometime tomorrow afternoon where I'll do another post, this time devoted to from the time I was down in South Florida up to today. Not everything went according to plan and I spent more money than I was expecting but it was still a memorable experience and there are some interesting tales to tell.

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