Monday, March 26, 2012

Pepsi Next, Will Ferrell, & Midgets Driving Cars

This wasn't the most exciting week I had but still, a few things happened that provided enough entertainment for me. Here's what I've done.

Monday was a dull day (aside from watching the ISU basketball team playing on TV against Stanford; once again they went into overtime but this time they lost) so I'll skip past that. Tuesday was the busy day of the week for me. I decided to go to the one remaining Larry's Giant Subs in Orlando, which is on Narcoossee Road close by the Orlando International Airport. I had never been on that road before despite living near Orlando for almost 8 full years now (believe it or not, both to the claim and the idea of me living down here for that long) and I'll only go there once in a blue moon due to how far away it is. Still, it was interesting to be on that road and to have their delicious subs, and indeed it was still delicious.

After that, I went to The Loop in Kissimmee, a place where I only go to on rare occasions and for the first time in a few years I went to their movie theatre. I went and saw something that was rather unusual, which is Casa de mi Padre, a film that stars Will Ferrell and is a Spanish-language movie that has English subtitles. That's right, old Will only speaks Spanish. I'm one of the few people around my age who has never found Ferrell all that funny. But, the movie sounded so strange, I had to check it out. Turns out, I was the only person at that screening and the movie was only funny when it made it obvious it was supposed to be a low-budget production from the past; you know, obviously fake backdrops, fake sets, and that sort of thing. As usual, I wasn't amused by the humor of a Will Ferrell production; you know, jokes where the punchline is that the joke is going on way too long, awkward humor, that sort of thing... I've never been a fan of it. Still, it was nice to see something that was at least different and out of the norm; a noble failure, I suppose.

Wednesday was boring so I'll mention that on Thursday I went to Wal-Mart and I found something I had not heard of before: Pepsi Next. It's the beverage with less sugar and calories, but it's not diet soda. Think of the old Coca Cola C2 or something that I only faintly remember that came out around the same time, which is Pepsi Edge. I only remember that from looking online, while C2 was much more memorable, with those famous rock songs plugging it in commercials. I think I had C2 one time and didn't really care for the taste. Next tastes OK but I'd rather have the regular unhealthy soda.

Friday was dull but at least I did a thing or two during the weekend. Saturday night I had free and plus I had to get myself dinner, so I returned to Buffalo Wild Wings for the first time in a month. I watched the evening college basketball game and I had the usual there of the Boneless Buffalo Wings and I also had some good old Pabst Blue Ribbon. Nothing too interesting happened there... except that I saw a midget lady walking around. I don't mean to be offensive by using that term; I'd just prefer to use that rather than “little person” or “vertically challenged”, as that sounds condensending to me. Anyhow, later in the night I saw her get into a Chevy sedan and drive away! Of course I knew that there are setups where people that height can drive regular-sized cars but I had never seen any of them get into a car and drive away. That was not only the highlight of the day but the highlight of the weekend. As the only thing I did yesterday was go to Winter Garden Village and walk around for a bit, I feel safe in making that claim.

I know, what a rather lame and short edition of this blog. I'm mainly waiting for Friday where I take off for my South Florida adventure, where I'll mainly be on my own and if I happen to be able to at least briefly chat with some people I know who are also down there for Wrestlemania weekend, then that will make me happy. I'll try not to have too high expectations as it will prevent any disappointments, but it may happen anyhow. Besides, I'll need some fun, as just this morning I found out that a great uncle had passed away. Sad to say that in the past year or two some relatives of that stature have passed away, and that is unfortunate.

As for the next blog, I'm pretty sure I'll end up having to do it in two parts due to all the activities I imagine I'll be doing down there. In that case it'll be posted Tuesday afternoon the 3rd and Wednesday afternoon the 4th; I'll either be getting back real late on April 1st or if I can bum a hotel room that night-not likely but who knows for sure-then I'll be back the next afternoon. Either way I'll be dead tired and no way would I want to spend all that time writing in a hurry, so I'll be back in 8 days no matter what.

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