Monday, October 3, 2011

Weather Vanes, Milkshake Drinking, & Lowly Versatility

I actually got this title from an ad I saw on Yahoo Weather which advertised some sort of aggregate of interesting tweets. It SO sounded like the title of one of my blogs, I had to use it here. And no, I have no idea what “lowly versatility” means, as I did not look too closely at that aggregate.

By the way, apologies for this being up a few hours late (yeah, that’s what HE said…) but I was occupied with other things. Next Monday it should be up at the usual time. Also, I won’t go ranting and raving about the traffic I dealt with the preceding week; I usually do that, and even though some of the stuff I experienced was notably horrid (at one point I swore I was driving on the Autobahn with people blowing by me like I was standing still, and I was going 70! To the shock of probably no one reading this if they are from the area, it happened on I-4 in Orlando.

I actually had a busier past week than usual. It was a nice way to end September and begin October. Monday was boring but Tuesday I went and saw Drive at the local Cineplex, as a lot of people on the Internet have been imploding their pants over this movie. I went and saw it, and personally I thought it was overrated; not awful by any means, but overrated. I explained it more in my movie reviews blog*. There were movies I happened to enjoy more this year than that one. There also weren’t as many car chases as you might expect from the subject matter.


Thursday I went to have dinner at a Bahama Breeze which recently opened on 192 in Kissimmee. It had what you typically expect from one of those restaurants. I had my almost always of a burger and fries, and also a mojito; hey, it was a happy hour special! It was strong-tasting, which was fine with me.

Friday, that’s where my entertaining (but tiring) weekend started. In the evening I went to the AMC Theatre in Altamonte Springs to check out their IMAX screen; to Friday they have a special deal where for only 7 bucks you can watch either Star Trek, Inception, or Fast Five. Me, even though I’ve only seen the first two in the series, I went and saw Fast Five due to the strong praise it got from various circles. While it may have been the most ridiculous movie I’ve ever seen, it was also ridiculously entertaining, so I am glad I saw it in that format.

Saturday, what a long day it was. I went and ate at the Tilted Kilt again… hey, it has good food! Why else would I want to go there… actually, don’t answer that question. After that I went and saw some people I know at a wrestling show in Sanford. The show itself had only 4 matches, but as one of them was an hour long (if you’re reading this and know what the Royal Rumble match is, they had one of those) and it was a fun time overall. The highlight of my time there was seeing some dude who I believed wrestled up in the Northeast and was in the match to fill space. I am sure there is a great backstory to this which I am not privy to, but it was obvious he remained in the ring for more than a half hour to be a punching bag! It sounds strange to a non-wrestling person, but this isn’t as bad or criminal as it may sound. No one injured him or tried to break a limb or anything of that sort. It’s just that they decided to have him “pay his dues” a la what happens in sports with newbies being introduced to things by the veterans. He got hit hard many times and at least 8 times suffered blows to the groin… and I don’t know if all 8 times the wrestler held back on legit inflicting testicular damage! He really took a beating. Then again, you could tell he was a really poor pro wrestler; he had a real limited knowledge of what he was supposed to do, and I suppose the other wrestlers in the ring didn’t appreciate that. I’m sure that’s why he got his ass kicked. To his credit, he at least had his own wrestling gear and didn’t compete in what looked like his workout clothes, which I’ve seen quite a few times in the past. His name was Psycho Somethingoranother. After the show, he was walking around (which was good for him) and he had on a jersey with his name on the back! Pretty wacky, but OK.

After that I didn’t go straight home. No, I didn’t go to downtown Orlando (I’ll probably be back there in a few weeks, though); rather, I went to the arty Enzian Theatre as they were showing a low-budget horror movie I’ve heard about for a long time now called Tucker & Dale vs. Evil, a spoof where some dopey characters think a pair of good old boys are killers but they really aren’t and it turns into a comedy of errors. It’s a goofy plot but it manages to be greatly entertaining so I’m glad I was able to see it in front of an audience. The hillbillies looked pretty authentic; after all, they had a love of Pabst Blue Ribbon! And it wasn’t a hipster love by any means either. Speaking of that, I hate to admit it but the Enzian is a real hipster place in the stuff they serve and show on screen (usually artsy-fartsy stuff) and how their customers dress and act; a lot of beards and glasses, you know. Damn hipsters…

Sunday, it was the usual of going to Friendly Confines to watch the Chicago Bears play. They went against the Carolina Panthers, who have some good players but as a team aren’t that great. That proved to be true as in many ways they played better than the Bears but they made some stupid mistakes and that really allowed for the Bears to win. I can’t complain. There were also no issues with eardrum-shattering audio and the people I sat by were all pretty cool so overall a fine, fine day there. It was also entertaining watching the other games when I could.

As for the upcoming week, there’s no Bears game for me to write about as they won’t be playing until the evening of Monday the 10th; yet, I have some things planned. There’s a huge UFC pay per view on Saturday night which I’ll be with bells on at the local Buffalo Wild Wings to watch, and I also plan on doing something a little out of the ordinary during the week; that will give me something to write about instead of the usual nothing happening during the week.

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