Monday, October 24, 2011

More Stories Concerning How Bustin’ Makes Me Feel Good

Before people think I’m being crude here, I’m quoting a line from the Ghostbusters song. To think, as a kid I thought nothing of it; as an adult, though, once I figured out what it really meant, I can’t help but laugh at that line.

So, up until Thursday things were not too exciting. Sure, I went to Barnes & Noble one afternoon to use their Wi-Fi and then I went to Planet Smoothie, but otherwise nothing interesting to write about. Thursday, though, I went to eat at Lime Fresh Mexican Grill; I’m glad that place is still around. My luck with restaurants as of late, I wasn’t sure if that would be opened or be closed due to lack of customers. When I’m there there’s always a few other guests around, although it’s not packed. I’m glad it is around as they have pretty good food. I ended up at the always sparsely populated Festival Bay Mall (where most of the spaces for stores are unoccupied; how they are STILL open will always leave me gobsmacked) as a pair of movies would be playing there in the evening. Various locations across the country showed Ghostbusters, a movie I never saw on the big screen. At the Cinemark at this particular mall, it started at 7:30 rather than 7, making it easy for me to get out of there and not have to wait at all before I go see Paranormal Activity 3 at 10.

Concerning what I saw first, sure it’s an odd and goofy movie, but it’s still wildly entertaining. It sure as hell is a lot better than Ghostbusters 2! And who knows if the discussed for years Ghostbusters 3 will ever get made. I hope it does, if only as an apology for how disappointing the second one was. Anyway, with the movie I saw at 10… I know I’ve mentioned it more than once before but I heard about the first movie two full years before it got released, so by the time I got to see it for the first time at one of those random screenings they had across the country (remember those?) I was more than pumped for it, and I thought it delivered. I know quite a few people who dislike it, but to each their own. I’ll never forget watching it with a crowd apparently filled with people who had zero idea what it was going to be about, and by the end quite a few of them were apparently soiling their pants from fright. I dug it watching the movie in that perfect environment, with a crowd soiling their pants from fright. It was the same when I saw the second last year and the latest installment this year. I’d say that the movie was the worst of the three but that is not a slight. I still enjoyed watching it for sure; it’s just that as they expanded the mythology I thought it was goofy, and be warned that much of the advertising you’ve seen for the movie features clips that are NOT in the movie! I kid you not. That really got my dander up as I was expecting to see one clip in the film (what I thought would be the obvious ending) and when it didn’t show up I got pretty peeved about it. I’m not as upset now but whoever is responsible for that Jared David St. Laurent-level of thinking… at least with both movies I saw on this night, the crowds were good, i.e. not filled with dumb shits flapping their gums while the motion picture was playing. Not too surprisingly, I saw some poor driving skills on the way back and on the way home, but let’s not

Friday and Saturday were dull-aside from the weather getting cooler-so I’ll skip ahead to Sunday and boy, what a day. Sad to say it was filled with quite a bit of anger, and that’s with the Bears winning the game. I did what I usually and I went to Friendly Confines to watch the game, even though I could have watched it from the comforts of home. They have pretty good food there, it’s nice to watch all of the games going on at the time. Plus, it’s also nice for people-watching at times… as I mentioned before, they were playing the Tampa Bay Bucs but not in Chicago or Tampa, but rather London. If only I could have road tripped there to see that game; it’d be great to visit the UK as hey, that’s part of my heritage. As I predicted, the game was going to be close. For most of it the Bears were doing well but by the end they started playing poorly and the Bucs came back. Thankfully Chicago ended up winning the game. As for my time there… oh boy.

I got there and sat at a random spot at the bar. Not that far away sitting at a table was a pair of guys, one a Cowboys fan and the other a Redskins fan; those two people being pals is surprising if you’re an NFL fan. Anyhow, on the Fox stations before the games is a pre-show and every week they have on Frank Caliendo, an allegedly funny comedian who has only done ONE character that I’ve so much as mildly chuckle at, which is impersonating Charles Barkley. Otherwise, what a loathsome personality who I wish would go away… Frank I mean, not Sir Charles. I heard those two guys laugh at his awful attempt at impersonating Jay Leno and from that point I was already expecting trouble. Indeed it was true, and the Redskins fan was a boor to an incredible degree. Literally the first play of the game on he kept on running his mouth almost constantly, and he wasn’t even praising his team but instead berating them, and cussing up a storm too. I quickly got tired of that Troglodyte cretin knuckle-dragging oaf so I decided to move to another spot at the bar, far away from that dick.

My troubles didn’t end there.

The people who sat right by me were fine, but the surrounding area, full of loud-mouths who cried and bellowed and bitched and moaned about how their teams were doing. What meatheads; sports are NOT the end-all be-all of this world, I say, but seemingly most people take that bullshit WAY too seriously. Thank goodness I am not one of those people. Who I got the most aggravated with was a loud douche who whined and belly-ached about his Tampa Bay Bucs. That’s why I took special glee when the Bears were able to get the win over Tampa Bay. He was real quiet after that, much to my amusement. I’ve complained about loathsome boors there in the past (it hasn’t been much of an issue this year) but this way was pretty bad in terms of guys who I wish would be water-boarded.

At least for about the last hour I was there I sat by right a rather cute blonde. She was there to chat with another guy sitting at the bar, not me; that’s usually how it goes. At least she didn’t seem like a bimbo, came off as pretty nice, and best of all wasn’t someone who was crowing about their team. After my latest experience there I’m sort of glad the Bears don’t play a game next week. Although, I know that when they do play next, on the night of the 6th, I’ll be there and I’ll consume an alcoholic beverage or two, which I really should have done here.

By the way, on Facebook last night I mentioned my frustrations with the crowd at FC. Some people basically said I should accept having to deal with that sort of crowd, and it’s like going to a strip club and expecting the ladies to keep their clothes on. While the analogy got a chuckle out of me, I disagreed and said I never put up with stupid people no matter where they are, and I should never accept people acting that dumb. To throw out an analogy of my own it’s like me accepting that people in Florida are likely to act stupid at a movie theatre and not shut the F up at all. Am I supposed to accept that? No! I’m going to get mad at that A-hole, and I’ll always be proud to live my life not having to accept the status quo and just put up with people being obnoxious oafs and disturbing others with their oafish ways.

Anyway… I ended up going to IKEA to pick up some small items before going to the nearby Zaxby’s restaurant. I hadn’t been to one of those in too long. I first ate at one of those places in their home state of Georgia way back in ’05 when I was returning from a summer vacation where I drove to Illinois and back. A little later they opened up a franchise in Orlando and I haven’t been there enough since then. Their chicken fingers are fine but their fries are real good. On the way back home I was on a two lane road and I saw the aftermath of an accident! One car’s front was smashed and the other had its side destroyed, so it was obvious what happened. I could smell what I presumed was burned rubber in the air. I wish I could have seen what happened live, not because I’m a masochist but more for curiosity’s sake. Both drivers were out of their cars so I didn’t stop; not that I could have done much, and plus other drives passed them by.

I will be back on Halloween, talking about the usual. I won’t be going anywhere for football on the 30th, but there still will be things to discuss, including me attending a pair of big local wrestling shows and a relative visiting the area on vacation; they live in another state so it’ll be nice seeing them.

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