Monday, September 26, 2011

Tales of Dandelion Root, Jake Shields, & Obnoxious Kazoos

Here’s a recap of what I’ve done in the past week.

Monday through Friday just weren’t too exciting. The only thing I really remember is going to Blockbuster and being told of a trial offer thing; I signed up for it and I’ll quit it before the month is up. I paid 8 dollars and I can rent one DVD at a time for as many times as I can before the 30 days is up. That’ll save me some money so I consider that a good deal. Other than that, not too much to say. Considering that I don’t even remember much from the week says a lot. One afternoon I went to Target to look for something (which I found; I also got something on sale for someone I know, and I did get reimbursed for the purchase) and on Friday I browsed around Barnes & Noble for a bit then I went to the nearby Planet Smoothie to use a coupon I have for a beverage there. That was it for excitement, although I do have to admit that the drink I got, Lunar Lemonade (it’s good) I saw that one of the ingredients they put in there was a blend which included the like of cayenne pepper (!; there’s no taste of that in there, though) and dandelion root! I have no idea why that would be considered healthy; I never thought that when I blew the white puffs out of the tip back when I was young*; maybe that’s just me, though.

And yeah, out of context, what I just said… it makes me look rather lewd!

So, I might as well skip ahead to the weekend. Saturday I did not do too much until the evening. I just watched some college football but the games weren’t all that interesting. I did go and eat some Pizza Hut for dinner, at least. The evening was me going to the local Buffalo Wild Wings to watch the UFC pay per view, featuring an interesting main event and not much else. Still, it was likely much better than that terrible-sounding boxing pay per view from the previous Saturday… I’d make fun of their main event and what a joke it was, but boxing has done a great job this year of making fun of itself. What a terrible 2011 that sport has had, a total disaster.

Anyhow, my time at the BWW, it was rather busy there. A lot of college football fans around, mainly watching the Florida Gators. As a general note I dislike Gators fans… the reason why is that I’ve come across many of them throughout the years, and to be honest many of them come off as white trash; that doesn’t even take into account their arrogant attitude. They whooped a clearly inferior team so I was happy to pay attention to mixed martial arts instead. The show wasn’t all that great, although they had two heavyweight fights back to back and they were so awful they became hilarious. One of them most people thought was going to be putrid but the other one was a surprise at how poor it was. The main event was at least fun to watch, mainly because by the time it started the place was really packed. A lot of people were interested in Jon Jones (or as someone there kept on calling him, either Jim Jones or Mike Jones; you rap fans can laugh at that mistake) defending the title against noted veteran (but faded veteran too) Rampage Jackson. The fight itself wasn’t too much of a surprise, except maybe for how long it lasted, but the crowd at the restaurant/bar going crazy for it made it entertaining. I don’t particularly care for Bones Jones as a person (an opinion I’ve heard become popular in recent months) but as a fighter he’s quite talented, to say the least.

Sunday… oh, this Sunday. The drive to and from Friendly Confines was as aggravating as always. I almost without fail deal with the stupidest Troglodytes on those drives, whether it’s people driving too fast/being maniacs or doing the usual Florida thing of not following the rules of the road. I got there around 3 as the Bears game started at 4:15. The place was jam-packed to watch all of the early games. I had to stand in a random spot for a bit before the bartenders there treated me right… wait for it, it’s not as crude as it sounds… they treated me right by informing me when a spot at the bar was available. It was much appreciated. As usual there, there were some off-putting people but most of them were fine. In fact, one person in particular looked and acted like he ingested some crystal meth before the game! He was a Lions fan and while it was understandable he was excited for his team coming back and pulling off the win, he was acting like a complete maniac, yelling and moving around like he was a loon. People were taking notice of him, and in a bad way. There was a lot of pointing and laughing at him. Finally, a bartender had to literally treat him like a child and tell him to not be such a jackass. He then behaved, before he and his pals left before the game was over with so I imagine he was butthurt over getting embarrassed like that. I was glad I got there when I did, though, as all of the early games ended up being close and most of them had exciting finishes; it was actually difficult to keep track of all of them.

As for the Bears game, I wish I could say that I saw all of it, but Fox was their usual God-awful Fox self. If you didn’t live near Chicago or Green Bay, then you didn’t even get to see the beginning of the game. Even though that game was the one being showed locally here in Orlando, Fox in their infantile wisdom decided to have everyone see the end of the Vikings vs. Lions game. F you, Fox! I’ve hated you for years and it’s for crap like this that I greatly fear their effect on the UFC now that the promotion is tied in with that awful network. So, I missed the opening drive of the game; sure, it was the Packers scoring a touchdown and maybe it was best I didn’t see it, but I was pretty pissed off about it at the time.

The Bears played about how I figured they would and they lost 27-17 in a game not as close as the score would suggest. I was pretty dead tired yesterday as I didn’t get a good night’s sleep on Saturday night. So, having to deal with a sound system that was almost deafening with how Goddamn loud they had the game audio turned up (by the 4th quarter it was at a more acceptable level but I was starting to wonder if I had suffered permanent hearing damage or not; it was headache inducing and that sort of thing really puts a bee in my bonnet, among other things) and a dipshit kid who sometimes blew a kazoo and I am shocked I managed to watch as much of the poor game as I did.

At least while I was there I saw a young man who looked a lot like UFC fighter Jake Shields and there was a great-looking young lady there who looked a lot like Debra Lafave, the hot Florida teacher who had sex with one of her students back in ’05 (that was a big deal down here).

As for this last week in September, as usual there’s not a lot on the agenda. I’ll probably go to a pro wrestling show to meet up with some people there, and finally I’m sure I’ll go see a movie or two on the big screen. I’m sure I’ll find enough to write about; plus, the Bears will face what is supposed to be an easier team… hopefully they’ll finally get another win.

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