Sunday, August 14, 2011

S-A-T-U-R-D-A-Y, Night!

Yes, this is a special Sunday blog that I’m doing just to talk about last night and how instead of going to a lucha libre (Mexican wrestling) show in Ocoee, I ended up doing some other things and managed to somewhat salvage things. And yes, I took this blog title from a Bay City Rollers song, as I heard it on the radio on the way back home, and hey, they were somehow a huge deal for a few months back in the 70’s, and as I learned on Wikipedia, were actually from Scotland, of all places.

Now, as I promised in the last blog I did, my plans for the second week of August included going to a lucha libre show that was being held in the Orlando-area in Ocoee. Now, I’ve never enjoyed Mexican wrestling personally. Sure, I liked seeing some of those wrestlers compete elsewhere, such as WWF, WCW, Japan, or other places. But, pure lucha libre… it looks WAY too fake and choreographed, and other things involved with it are just a turn-off for me. Yet, I decided to attend this show as most of the wrestlers there would be local guys I’ve seen wrestle many times before and while they didn’t even have a lineup announced beforehand, I still made the decision… which turned out to be poor.

You see, I looked up the address online and it was a place in the middle of nowhere, at some club I had never heard of before. I get there and see that it indeed is in the middle of nowhere, and the “club” is actually a warehouse. What made me not stay there… some A-hole who looked like he had about a 5th grade education was directing traffic in the parking lot, even though what I see in front of me is plenty of places for me to park. He directs me to park somewhere else, but he made it totally unclear and I see nowhere else to park, as there was a line there which blocked any way for me to park anywhere else, so I ended up parking in the lot that I was forbidden to do so by that Troglodyte who looked like he would be rejected from working at a 7-11 for being too stupid. Nothing was done there and I stayed in my car as I wasn’t going to stand out in the hot weather, and I had to finish off the vanilla soft serve ice cream I got from a nearby Burger King. I had that and a Whopper for dinner. By the way, the food was fine but the service at that Burger King was ass and that also describes all the traffic I had to deal with last night. It’s the usual terribleness from Florida drivers. Say what you will about me and how I act, but at least I understand “keep right except to pass”, “use your turn signal”, and “drive a consistent speed”. Most of the Troglodytes on the road don’t understand those rules.

Anyhow, I then see that magically there is now a spot where people are allegedly supposed to park even though again, where I was at had plenty of spaces so I had no idea why the dillholes at Club Fenix (nice spelling there) thought otherwise. I decided then and there that if those A-holes treat their customers that way by treating them like shit even before they enter the door, then they can go F themselves and I left without seeing the show. They don’t deserve any of my money. Of course, it meant that the promotion (which has held shows across the country with some famous lucha libre wrestlers and locals filling out the card in places like Chicago, where people I know saw and loved their shows) didn’t get any of my money either. That said, Club Fenix can go F themselves. By the way, I HAVE gone to some local lucha shows back when I still lived in Illinois. They were up in Chicago and some people I knew at the time were big fans of me. Me, I didn’t particularly care for it; besides the wrestling not being for me, it was *horribly* run, with events starting real late, 5 minutes or more between matches because they were buffoons and couldn’t get their s*** together, etc. It didn’t seem to bother those guys, for whatever reason, but I can’t stand that sort of incompetence.

As I had time to kill tonight, I decided to go to Winter Park and see if their Borders is still open. I know the one by the West Oaks Mall closed down but thankfully the Winter Park one is indeed still open. I’ll miss going to those stores, and I’m unafraid to admit that as a dork. I looked around at their stuff, and most of it is from 30 to 50 percent off, so I picked up some random things. In the upcoming week I plan on being back in that area again so I’ll likely stop in there one last time; leave the memories alone.

I then took a longer way home, which involved driving on 441, and for the first time in a few years, I stopped in Fairvilla; if you don’t know… that’s an adult store! I looked around and laughed at a lot of the products they offered, including their extensive movie collection, and most of their titles I wouldn’t dream of ever writing here. As I only had a few bucks on me at the time and I didn’t want to be that guy who gawked and didn’t buy anything, I purchased an energy drink; hey, it’s better than nothing.

So, that was the crazier than usual day I had on Saturday night. I’ll post another blog tomorrow afternoon where I’ll talk about what else I did the second week of August.

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