Monday, September 9, 2019

Mountain Dew VooDew, Mooyah, Root Beer Floats & Dorian Part II

Not that long ago I mentioned how I hoped to be more positive here in the future. Unfortunately, September hasn't gotten off to the best start; I'll avoid most of the reasons why, except that (as typical) it's too many little things happening in too short a timespan. I can say that the way this entire area in Florida reacted to Hurricane Dorian finally making its way to near the United States: just embarrassing. Talk about soiling themselves due to a dopey panic and way overreacting to nothing. Mail service was screwed up for two whole days, most places shut down (which did negatively impact me) and even Disney closed at 3PM. Ridiculous as the models made it clear by then that it was no threat at all to the area around Orlando. It briefly rained that afternoon and there was a small rainstorm late that night... the whole thing was so preposterous, this region soiling its diapers and freaking out over nothing, as if they have never dealt with any hurricanes before. I feel awful that Dorian destroyed The Bahamas but c'mon now.

What didn't help matters was that I ate at local restaurant Gator's Dockside-not my first choice, but it's a long story as to how I ended up there-and this was the first time I had an issue there. Some of the fellow customers were just gross people, the service wasn't too good and the food was more mediocre than usual. A shame, yet there is no shortage of places around here I can frequent again or try out for the first itme. Thursday was a very busy day... two airport runs! I dropped off someone in the wee hours of the morning, returned home for a bit then returned to pick up someone else from the same airport. Of course the traffic on both trips made me mad but at least on the way there I stopped at a Target to pick up a limited edition soda: Mountain Dew VooDew. It has the appropriate spooky labeling and has a mystery flavor gimmick. I will not reveal what the flavor is, BTW. Also, I had lunch at the Oviedo Mall, a place I rarely stop at due to distance and tolls. I had Mooyah, a burger joint. It was quite greasy yet tasted fine... although the greasiness may explain why it wasn't bad.

Thursday and Friday, I had to help someone with something... I won't get any less vague than that; I was happy to help them out but this did eat up some time. Thursday night I could have seen the opening of the NFL season with the Chicago Bears playing against their hated rivals the Green Bay Packers. I just decided not to pay too much attention and among other things, I was so tired that night that I dozed off for a bit. I've talked before about how due to dozens of reasons I don't really care about the NFL anymore compared to back in the day and this even applies now to the team I watched when I was a kid as I grew up in the northern part of Illinois. The game turned out to be an atrocious contest and in hindsight, I made the right decision in falling asleep and doing other things rather than focus on that nonsense.

The weekend, I was more than happy to stay in; thus, I will mention a recommendation for a frozen treat presumably many can find at their local grocery store. Barq's now has frozen root beer float pops and they are as good as they sound; at least I could end this on a positive note. The upcoming week, I do have some plans and the next time I write, the mood should hopefully be more cheery.

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