Monday, April 30, 2018

Chicken Crispers, Going To Wrestling & Taking Some L's

No, the few times “I took an L”-to use some modern lingo-in the past week were only minor things and not even worthy of discussion here. I figured it'd be amusing for “an old man” like me to use such terms. I'll tell this out of order as Friday night was far more interesting than expected. I was originally gonna go to Lakeland, but instead I went to a wrestling show. I don't really watch too much modern pro wrestling anymore; it's for a variety of reason, from how it's filmed (a major issue with WWE) to how storytelling in the ring is poor... too much of it is a stunt show or dumb “comedy” routines; I AM over-generalizing here, admittedly; I am just speaking in general. At the risk of sounding bitter, wrestling the way it used to be (even like 10 to 15 years ago) is better than a lot of what I've seen in recent years.

I still follow what's going on but I don't view a large amount of  bouts or events. There are plenty of reasons why I stopped going to shows locally (including an individual I'll call “Voldemort”) but I won't get into that here as it's a lot of sordid drama. The reason why I finally returned to an event: I saw a person booked for the event at a middle of nowhere gas station! No kidding, and it's no like that I took this as a sign to make my return. Heck, for a long while I've been thinking of attending my second-ever Shine Wrestling event. It's an all women promotion and despite what it may sound like, it is serious wrestling like the type you see among the lady wrestlers in WWE for the past few years now.

The only Shine show I was at was years ago... about time I returned and about time I stopped procrastinating or coming up with excuses as to why I shouldn't go... it's not the closest to me but not so far it would be too much distance for me “back in the day.” I made it to the event and it was a fun show, where the wrestling was more my style as it only had one silly comedy moment (which was fine by me) and the girls weren't repeatedly dropping their opponents on their heads or doing dangerous moves that could hurt themselves or their opponents. I did not get to chat with everyone there I knew from the past but as it was an unannounced appearance... people were surprised. It was nice to see those people after all those years. I should go to these shows more often... it won't be like how it was in like 2007 but I shouldn't be such a stranger.

To talk about my weekend, Saturday I did nothing and Sunday I had to make another airport run; I filled in for the person that would usually do this. The person I was picking up arrived way-early so I had no time for even a quick lunch; that was OK as I just ate when we got home. Back to being in chronological order, last Monday I went to the outdoor mall known as Winter Garden Village and the main highlight there was purchasing some items from Target. Tuesday, I went to Chili's with someone and that was a good idea; the other person enjoyed their ribs meal (as they always do) and I tried their new chicken crispers meal, which is some chicken fingers, fries and a small ear of corn. That is well worth getting, I say.

As I did nothing on Wednesday and Thursday, I'll close this out now. A week from today, what will be discussed is still a mystery... for now.

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