Monday, July 15, 2013

Pacific Rim, Criterion DVD's/Blu-Rays, & Fanny Packs

Here is what I've done since last Monday. On that day itself, I went to Walmart to get a few items. Oh boy did I see some people there. We all know the stereotype of the people that go there, the People of Walmart and all that. Well, I saw more than one person there who would have been appropriate for the People of Walmart website. They looked like they came from the backwoods of the area, and there are backwoods areas around Clermont, whether they be the woods or the swamps. I do know there are houses way out in the boonies and I'll presume those strange looking and strange dressed people came from the boonies.

Tuesday, I went to the nearest Barnes & Noble, as this month is one of the two months of the year where they offer the high-brow Criterion DVD's and Blu-Rays 50% off, and yes I did make a purchase there. I then went back home and I stopped by the local Publix, which is THE grocery store of Florida if you don't live here or didn't notice it when you visited the state. I got some items from there.

Thursday, me and someone I know went to Steak & Shake as we hadn't been there in awhile. I tried their chicken fingers for the first time and it tastes fine. I had their new Tropical Banana milkshake and that was good. Friday was dull so let me skip ahead to Saturday, the day of action. There was a short amount of time where I wasn't sure if I would be doing anything during the weekend as originally there was going to be a tropical storm that possibly would be in the area; the storm fell apart and ended up becoming nothing. There was some rainy weather Friday through Sunday, but that was about it.

Saturday was a day, for sure. In the late afternoon I left to go to Downtown Disney. It was rainy on the way there and I got a little wet but thankfully it stopped once I left Splitsville, where I had something different there; it was a turkey club and it was good. After that I walked next door to the AMC Theatres to see my first film in awhile; I watched Pacific Rim, as it looked awesome and I heard it was a lot of fun. Turns out, it was a lot of fun and was awesome. It's simply an entertaining flick that isn't dour and sour like you seemingly get a lot these days with summer blockbusters. The world simply looked awesome and it was populated with colorful characters and was interesting; oh yeah, and the battles between giant mechs and giant kaiju monsters like the type that Godzilla fought in many films... tremendous. I give it my highest recommendation. Of course, it underperformed at the box office and even Grown Ups 2 did better, which is depressing as that looks awful and I understand it is awful.

After that, I made the drive to Ghost Bar & Lounge to have a good time, and that is what I did. I went and parked the vehicle, and the parking lot I usually use is outdoors but it's cheap and it's right by the former Club Paris nightclub and is now a banquet hall sort of place. At the time they were having a wedding reception and I got to see some old guy be helped out of there due to him being obviously hammered. Thankfully someone was driving him home. About 2 minutes later I see some ladies having a group picture taken of them... only I looked at their faces and well, they were obviously trannies! Then, I saw various people dressed in the loudest most stereotypical 80's clothing. I do not know which club or clubs were doing this, but somewhere it was 80's night and I was amused to see such outfits.

I arrived at the bar & lounge and it wasn't the wackiest time there for me but it was still a good time there. I got to drink some alcohol, watched some TV, listened to the acoustic covers of various songs (including rap, which is always amusing) then the DJ spinning tunes, and my personal favorite, drunk white people attempting to dance. There was even for a brief amount of time where there was a dance circle and you had a bunch of white people attempting to dance one after another; I found that greatly amusing. Some of the 80's people came in. There was a dude and the way he looked was great; besides him being a chubby guy with a beard, he had on short shorts, bright socks, sneakers, a pink tank top, a headband... and a fanny pack. Tremendous.

A pair of 80's girls came in and it was not made clear if this was for my benefit or not, but not that far from where I was sitting they danced with each other; for my sake I'll say that they were dancing for me! That was a treat. Besides that, not too many interesting tales to tell. I was able to see via the TV's the ending of a baseball pitcher throwing a no-hitter and... the result of the George Zimmerman trial. I don't have too much to say about that whole deal, aside from the fact that the Central Florida media was just as insufferable covering it as they were two summers ago when they covered the trial of that horrible child-killing woman. I do feel bad that a young man was killed and from all appearances it never should have happened... but I am glad that chaos did not break out around Orlando once the verdict was announced.

Sunday I stayed at home and relaxed so I'll end this by saying I'll be back a week from today (as almost always) and I do have a few things in mind for what I'll be doing the next 7 days.

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