Monday, March 18, 2019

Sprite Lymonade, New Zealand, Tomkos Tavern & Purple Rain Drops

The past week did not start off well but things ended up fine by the end. Monday the 11th, it was a very nice day out so I went to Walmart to pick up several items. It was a Walmart in a rural area, requiring the journey to be taken on rural roads. That is usually fine, but on this day... I was waiting at an intersection to turn left. There was a vehicle coming from the left and they had their right turn signal on, so it was OK for me to go... only they kept on going straight. That was way too close for comfort and I am not sure how a wreck did not happen. Before anyone asks, they did not have both blinkers on as hazard lights and after that intersection there is no right turn possible for almost a quarter of a mile, so I have no idea what that person was doing. Tuesday was better; I did try out a restaurant new to me that I only recently discovered was a thing. Tomkos Tavern is by I-Drive and not only does it have tasty food, the interior also looked nice. I did not stick around for their Tuesday night event of a DJ spinning country music tunes; if it was classic country it'd be one thing, but as it was modern country which I know even is a turn-off for some country fans...

Wednesday the only thing I did was try a new drink, which is Sprite Lymonade; yep, Sprite with more lemon. It was indeed good. Thursday I was going to pick up someone at the airport; they were flying back from a Midwestern state that was not Illinois. Well, weather in Chicago was awful on this day... so bad that it affected people all across the country. The plane that this person needed to fly to Houston for the connecting flight to Orlando, that got cancelled, and things got so backed up that they wouldn't even be flying home until Sunday. Thus, instead of picking them up late on Thursday, it was early Sunday afternoon. Still, I went out in the evening; it was to Rock & Brews, a cool place I've mentioned a few times before. Besides drinks, I also had their Purple Rain Drops; I was hoping it'd be great considering who it was named after... and it was. The food was beignets filled with chocolate and there's both whipped cream and raspberry drizzle... but of course.

Once I got back home, my mood did sour when I saw the awful news concerning what happened in New Zealand; I mean, I know people who live in the country. None of them were close to the two mosques in Christchurch yet I felt awful because dozens died or were seriously injured. Friday I did nothing and Saturday the only thing I did was return to Walmart to purchase a few items. Sunday, the trip to the airport and back went fine; I picked up the person in question and they wanted lunch, so I chose TGI Friday's as it was just north of the airport and neither of us go to that chain often... only because of location. Neither of us had complaints about the food so a wise choice on my part.

Next Monday, I have a few plans in mind as to what I'll be doing this week.

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