Monday, September 14, 2015

Shake Shack & Imperator Furiosa & The Bears, Oh My

Here's a recap of what I did last week. I did indeed do nothing on Labor Day, which was fine by me. Tuesday was another dull day so onto Wednesday. I went with someone to an Applebee's restaurant. The last time we went to one it was in Kissimmee and we received poor service so that's why we hadn't been to one since. We decided to go to the one on 27 south of 192. The service there was at least fine. The other person wasn't a fan of the food they got but what I had was fine; having two small appetizers of boneless wings and mozzarella sticks for only 10 bucks worked for me.

Thursday all I did was go to Wawa's for a sandwich so onto Friday. Back in May I saw Mad Max: Fury Road on the big screen and unlike most of the rest of the world, I didn't care for it overall, despite digging the action scenes, the score, and how it was shot. The story and characters were pretty bad in my eyes. Well, this week on some IMAX screens across the United States they are showing the movie so I figured if I would give it another shot it should be in a big way like that.

The traffic there and back reminded me that this past week I had to deal with some poor examples of it. I might as well have been a Warboy and spraypainted my mouth with silver chrome as some of the creatures I dealt with were straight out of Fury Road with their action. Just on this day I saw several vehicles almost get wrecked due to getting cut off, and on another night I had to pass someone in a double yellow (something I very rarely do, to clarify) because I was not only practically tailgated but thee guy in front of me was driving so slow he had to either be drunk, on drugs, a senior who was having “a moment”, or some combination of the above. I know I stereotype often (even when I shouldn't) but I am pretty sure I am right here.

Back to Friday. I went to the Shake Shack in Winter Park and I enjoyed their food, but I can't explain why now they suddenly ask if you want your burger medium or well done or why an order of medium well was impossible to do; talk about rude and lazy. But it may be awhile before I eat there again anyhow. After that I saw Fury Road for a second time and sad to say, my opinion on it hasn't changed at all. I thought the movie tried WAY too hard to be “cool” (the stupid names most of the characters have is an example of this) and that typically is a turn-off for me.

Saturday and Sunday I didn't do anything, and I was hunky-dory with that. I watched or half paid attention to various football games and thankfully the Chicago Bears vs. Green Bay Packers football game was on locally so I did not have to go anywhere to see it; again, I was glad I did not have to go to a sports bar to watch it and deal with loudmouth obnoxious crybaby overly dramatic football fans. As for the Bears, I did not expect them to win so when they lost, I was not surprised. Even if they lost in a gut-wrenching fashion, it was not a surprise. Even if they had a good chance to win... it is looking to be another long year, but at least I am prepared now for this unlike last season when I thought they'd be fine.

When I return a week from today, as I typically say, I don't have much planned but I'll stumble into a thing or two.

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