Monday, January 12, 2015

Disney Springs, Illinois State University & Blowhard Sports Fans

Here's a recap of this past week. Several interesting things happened. Just not on Monday and Tuesday, so I won't spend any time talking about those days.

Wednesday, it was a different day as my parents got a new TV and the old TV in the main room got moved to their bedroom. I was the guy who unhooked everything then hooked it back up. Things went awry when I tried hooking up the cable to and I needed to install a new cable in the bedroom for the TV to get any channels. But at least that is as difficult as the task was, at least if you don't include moving those TV's around.

Thursday, I was thinking of things to do so around dinner time I decided to visit the place known now as Downtown Disney and will soon by known as Disney Springs due to all the things they are taking out and adding. I was hoping it wouldn't be too crowded there due to the chilly (for Florida, anyhow) weather. I was wrong. At least I was able to use the new parking garage they just completed. I walked around for a bit so there was my exercise. I was thinking of where to eat at for dinner and I realize I hadn't eaten at the House of Blues in a few years. The concert venue next door I've been to relatively recently but the restaurant itself, it's been awhile. The meal I had was fine and I can't really complain. It was interesting to see all that's new there, and know that there's a lot more to come. I could have done without all the rude people there-my fellow guests there, not anyone that was working at Disney-or the bad traffic, but alas...

Friday I stayed in and relaxed but Saturday, it was unique. For the first time ever, my old college (Illinois State University) made it to the championship game of the division it plays in, so it's a big deal. They played against North Dakota State and I definitely did watch the game on TV. I could have done it at home but I decided to go out to see it, and also have lunch. I chose... The World of Beer! I had lunch there while consuming some of the many beverages I had there. I won't go into detail on what I drank except it was exclusively from small American breweries. I was happy to support them, as the brews were at least fine. As for the game, ISU had their opportunities but unfortunately for me North Dakota State ended up winning 29-27 in what turned out to be a very entertaining game.

Sunday, what a blah day until I got back home. Before that it was pretty crappy. I went to the east side of Orlando, to get gas that was like 15 cents per gallon cheaper than home in Clermont. I did that at a Citgo station. I then went to Friendly Confines to enjoy their food and watch the big game between the Green Bay Packers and the Dallas Cowboys. I am not sure it was worth it to go out there for the food and gas. The traffic was so bad (not helped by the rainy weather on the way there) I wondered more than once if I should call the cops, as a driver was either driving erratically due to impairment... or sheer stupidity! I really did not know so the calls were never made. Then, at the actual joint, the lunch I had was tasty but some of the people there, they were so dumb. Most of the crowd seemed fine and yet I had to be by some loudmouth idiots who acted like they were football experts, only what they said was either moronic or flat-out wrong. They fit the worst stereotypes of sports fans.

The game was actually quite entertaining, until a controversial moment happened which allowed the Packers to win. It was technically the right call, but it's a horrible rule that for some reason was never changed even after a few years ago it allowed the Chicago Bears to get an unjust victory. The crowd there was loud so I doubt many heard that rule explained but I knew what it was right away. The dopes got really mad and just could not understand it; even if I tried to explain it to them eloquently I have a feeling it would have been like talking to a brick wall. I was quite happy to get out of there and get back home.

I'll return next Monday on MLK Day. I have some ideas in mind as to activities I'll be doing.

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