Monday, January 21, 2019

If Beale Street Could Talk, Bubble Waffles & Super Wolf Blood Moon

As has been the case in 2019, it was a week of ups and lows. Last Monday, I used my free time to make a Disney Springs return and watch a theatrical movie; it was If Beale Street Could Talk. I saw Moonlight on the big screen and it was something I loved. Beale Street I do not love as much but it's still very good. I also had food from a crepe stand; one of the items they offered was “bubble waffles”, which was something new to me. I had the strawberry variation, and saw it was a waffle cone with a bubble design-it was quite tasty indeed. One interesting aspect of this past week was that last Monday morning one family friend left and by the late afternoon, a different family friend appeared. This meant more restaurant journeys. Last Tuesday was the local establishment known as Oakwood Smokehouse & Grill, a quality restaurant I've mentioned a few times before. Wednesday was Texas Roadhouse, and that experience also went fine. I was relieved, though, that Thursday was a home-cooked meal; my stomach may have been the happiest of all. It certainly wasn't late Friday night... I am not quite sure what it was that I consumed, but food poisoning occurred. Trust me, you don't want the gory details. I felt exhausted on Saturday-otherwise, I was back to normal.

Back to Thursday, in the evening I had plans for something but that fell through; at least there was a plan B. I can't carp too loudly about visiting Winter Park in order to get some soda from Rocket Fizz then ice cream at the nearby Ben & Jerry's; of course the dessert was scrumptious. Saturday, the only thing I did was go to the local Walmart and purchase a few items. Sunday... to be honest, I've been trying to not be as negative here but 2019 has not been the best so far. It's more little things piling up than anything major-that's how it usually is for me. Plenty of things have not gone to plan, whether it be due to horrendous Florida traffic, the stupidity of cretins in general, things not working like they should, or other reasons. Yet I know I can't complain, as even the bad days have had some highlights and I know that plenty of people have it far worse than me.

That said, I am glad I only half paid attention to those two big NFL games on Sunday, as both featured horribly bad calls from the referees and other nonsense which only proved the bad things I've said about the league the past few years. Congrats to the LA Rams and New England Patriots, I guess... my enthusiasm for the Super Bowl is quite low. At least Sunday had the super wolf blood moon, which I was able to see. When I return a week from today... like I typically proclaim, not much is on the agenda as of now.

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