Monday, March 7, 2016

The One Time I Had An Extremely Dull Week

Here's a recap of what I've done since last Monday. As I predicted the last time I wrote, this past week was a lot less eventful than the one I had the week before. I had various things to do, include cleaning my bedroom. So, this will be pretty short. 

Last Monday I didn't do anything, Tuesday I dropped something off at my bank and got some miscellaneous items from Walmart. Wednesday I got food from Chipotle (where I did not get E. coli) and I also got the brand new Rockstar Punched Freeze from Taco Bell (which was pretty tasty, as I think the Rockstar Punched energy drink is pretty good). Thursday, I finished cleaning my room and did other tasks at home and Friday, I had lunch at Wawa (a turkey sandwich, as I always get from there) and dinner at the BurgerFi in Winter Park, where this time I had it with white cheddar and it was tasty. Right before dinner I stopped at the nearby Rocket Fizz to purchase some gourmet soda. Saturday, I had to go out for something; I won't go into details, except that I had to deal with plenty of rude Floridians, both on the road and off. I did not feel like watching any UFC or going anywhere to see that PPV, as not only am I still “meh” on them, the last minute main event only booked to get “the casuals” interested, no thank you. The fact that the main event turned out the way it did and in the long run it'll cost the company at least a decent amount of money, I don't feel bad for them at all. Sunday, I was happy to stay in. So, let me mention one random thing:

When I was at Disney Springs on Friday the 26th of last month, I parked in the parking garage and I happened to park by a BMW I did not recognize. It was a 116i hatchback low to the ground. I still did not recognize it. They used to sell 1 series cars here in the United States, but not anymore. I then looked in the window and saw the steering wheel was on the right side of the car, and realize that the car was imported. Problem is, he shouldn't have been able to do that, as unless you spend a lot of cash to make it comply with federal standards, cars less than 25 years old can't be imported into the United States, and the 116i at its oldest came out 12 years ago. I am a nerd so I've heard (but not seen it myself) stories of this state being like the Wild West-which it is in other ways-and you can bring in whatever the hell, and probably get it insured too. I mean, it had foreign plates but on the back was also a Florida plate, so it's not like it was a tourist from, say, Canada or Mexico, where those rules are more lax.

Really, that's it for the past week. I promise that when I return a week from today, things will be more entertaining and interesting.

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