Monday, March 28, 2016

Blair Russell V The Rest Of The World: Dawn Of Justice

Here's a recap of what I've done in the past week, and sad to say there were too many days filled with crappy events. I won't even state what all of those things were as I don't want to be morose and a major Debbie Downer. There were several days in a row that were meh at best. Last Monday the 21st, I ended up in Orlando. The one place of note I went to was Total Wine & More as it had been too long since my last visit. I got a wide variety of different single cans and bottles. One of them was IRON MAIDEN TROOPER BEER; I had that on Saturday night and it was fine.

One of my parents had a friend down here for a week. They arrived here on the 21st and will be leaving early tomorrow. It is a yearly event. They decided to go to Carrabba's and as I hadn't been to one in years I decided to tag along. Their food was tasty; I had the spaghetti. Wednesday, we went to the local restaurant Lilly's on the Lake. I had talked about it a few times before last year, and that place isn't as good overall as it used to be. It's not really the food but it's other factors that make me say this. Thursday, we ended up at McAlister's Deli; I had been to one before, back in late '14 in the middle of Arkansas while on the journey to Kansas. The food tasted fine, although I wasn't too happy that my sandwich had mayo on it when I made it pretty clear that I only wanted a few things on it and that was not one of them. It was that kind of week for me last week.

Friday, I was off on my own and I had my pick of what to do, although it was limited by it being rainy weather. I decided to go to the Mall at Millenia as I hadn't been there in awhile. I took the back way there that involved going through the ritzy town of Windemere. While on a busy 2 lane road on a double yellow, a lunatic behind me passed me! I don't know if he was just a reckless piece of crap, if he was impaired, mentally ill, or what but I actually called the cops on him (or maybe it was a her; the windows were too dark for me to see in), although I have no idea if they nabbed that Georgia driver or not. What a “Good” Friday indeed. I walked around Ikea for a bit-I did not get anything-then at the Mall I did more walking around and this time got some miscellaneous items. Needless to say it was busy there but it wasn't outrageously bad. I had dinner there and thankfully the drive back home was a lot less eventful, although it did not mean the traffic was peachy.

Saturday and Sunday I was happy to stay home. Besides it being rainy weather, not dealing with the crowds is a fine idea with me. Easter Sunday, a parent made ham for dinner (as has been done for years now) and it was a fine, fine meal. When I return a week from today, not too much is planned as of now but I'll stumble upon some adventures, I am sure.

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