Monday, May 18, 2015

The One Time I Am Even More Of A Contrarian Than Usual

Note that I do not actively seek out to be a contrarian; there have been many times where I wish I wasn't one. I am just a pretty unusual person in general and a definite “acquired taste” so it's no surprise I would think differently. But the thing that let me down is pretty crushing as I never thought I could not like it and yet it's true. I'll get to that later.

Last Monday all I did was go to Staples to pay an arm and a leg for printer ink. Tuesday was more interesting as I returned to the place that will eventually be known as Disney Springs but is still known currently as Downtown Disney. I walked around and saw what was new there, including the quite pricey joint known as The Boathouse. They have a store connected to it which sells t-shirts advertising the restaurant, because... well, because they wanted to, I suppose. I did not eat there. Instead I went somewhere I ate at once before, a few years ago. It's the outdoor bar connected to the Rainforest Cafe; it's known as Lava Lounge. I had a burger & fries, which were fine... and a tasty beverage also.

Wednesday, I went with someone to the Outback Steakhouse as the neither of us had been there for a long while. Again, that food was fine. The Aussie theme was appropriate as I rewatched the first three Mad Max films before checking out Fury Road. The first two are still pretty cool; Thunderdome, I don't think is that good at all. 

Thursday night I saw Fury Road on a giant screen and in 3D. I had real high expectations, as the fourth film has been rumored for many years and I heard the strongest of praise for it. Well... the action (which is plentiful) is quite great and it was awesome to see it on a giant screen and in 3D. As for the story and characters... I am sorry but I didn't like either at all so overall I felt massively disappointed with the film; just about everyone else who has seen it disagrees with me... that is OK. At least I have the first two movies to watch again and me not enjoying something I found to be off-puttingly weird, that is fine. Note that the movie being focused on the female characters has NOTHING to do with my criticisms of the movie. It is rather absurd there are such things as “Men's Right Activists” but there are and they hated the movie without seeing it because of alleged feminism present. I am more than fine with there being strong female characters; unfortunately I am in a very small minority in not liking the film in general.

I did see it in Lakeland at the Cinemark they have there I think is very nice; I saw it on the biggest screen they had there. Driving there and back mainly on middle of nowhere roads was nice too as it meant not dealing with awful Florida traffic. Friday and Saturday I did not do much of anything at all. Sunday, I had to go to the Orlando-Sanford Airport to drop someone off. I then went to a few stores (such as a World Market) in the area before driving home. Considering the traffic I had to deal with all of this past week (the capper being some Mensa member pulling out right in front of me and nearly causing me to wreck) I was glad to arrive home.

I will be back on Memorial Day; I have some ideas in mind as to what I'll be doing but nothing's in concrete yet.

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