Monday, February 18, 2013

The Blog Where I Realize The Die Hard Franchise Is Dead

I'll talk about the Die Hard films in a bit. But, I am going to note that I really only have two days to talk about, as the other five were rather unventful. I mean, I don't think anyone needs to hear about me getting some random items from Walmart, for example, or how I watched a free UFC show on TV on Saturday; it was a real mixed bag. So just note that I'll be talking about what I did on Wednesday, and what I did on Friday. I know, I'm turning into a lame old man, it seems! And this upcoming Friday I'll be 32 years old! Holy cow. Even I don't believe it.

Wednesday, I was hoping to see the Die Hard movie marathon they were showing at random theatres across the country but I wasn't able to. It was the first four movies then at 10 was the new one. At least I saw the first one back in like '05 at a random screening; it was an original film print so it wasn't in great condition but it made the experience interesting. That is one of my all-time favorite films. 2 and 3 are real good despite some issues. I saw 3 the summer of '95 when it came out. I went there with a parent and that was a memorable experience. I never saw the fourth one on the big screen. Once I did watch it on DVD, I really wasn't a fan, but after Friday it doesn't look so bad.

Instead, I had free time in the evening so I went to International Drive (a place I usually try to avoid) to go to the Brick House Tavern & Tap, a place I went to one time before a few months ago. I went back on a rainy night and it was busy there, some of my fellow customers were loudmouth harpies and there weren't enough bartenders on duty. Still, the chicken & waffles I had was tasty and so was the one can of Pabst Blue Ribbon I drank. After that I went to Pinkberry for the first time in awhile and I had some grapefruit yogurt. Pretty good. Next month their limited time flavor is key lime and that will be a must-buy for me. That should taste great.

Friday, that's when I saw the new Die Hard movie, despite hearing plenty of people online (including reliable action fans I usually trust) say that it's shockingly bad. Turns out, they were right! I went to Downtown Disney to check it out as they were showing it on their giant ETX screen with fancy Dolby surroundsound. Much to my surprise because I saw it that way I got a free black t-shirt which advertised the movie on the front with white and red letters (it's not as fancy as it sounds, trust me) and on the back it advertises the fancy Dolby surroundsound system. As for the movie, the typical reaction I have heard online was true. It's a bad movie in general, not just a bad Die Hard movie. The story was lame and went places that made me roll my eyes and the relationship between John and John Jr. was atrocious and incredibly tiresome to have to deal with (John Jr. was a royal A-hole) but when a Die Hard movie has terribly shot action that is nearly impossible to follow or make out or comprehend... that is a major issue. Sure, it is fun to laugh at how bad it is but that should never be the case for a film in that franchise.

After the movie I drove over to the infamous Orange Blossom Trail, although the area I visited was not one of the bad areas. I went to Buffalo Wings & Rings, a place I've been to a few times before. The service wasn't always great there and every time I visited there were loud loathsome D-bags playing the Golden Tee arcade machine, and on this night the service was better and... there were some loud loathsome D-bags playing the Golden Tee arcade machine! At least the food was good.

Well, I hope that everyone has a decent President's Day today. My day will likely be highly boring, which seems to be the norm for me as of late. As for my birthday on Friday, I have nothing planned for that, in terms of presents or what I'll be doing for dinner that night. You'll have to wait until a week from today for my next blog to find out what I did for the big 3-2 and the other activities I do in the next 7 days, including seeing the next UFC pay per view. It will hopefully have more events for me to talk about, at least.

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