Monday, March 16, 2020

The One Time I Realized This Will Have To Go On Hiatus

I have to start this off with an announcement: due to what's going on in the world now (which I definitely have opinions about but this isn't the time to share those), the plan for now is that I won't write another one of these for a few weeks. There is plenty for me to do that doesn't require going out-from YouTube to podcasts to various electronic distractions-it's just that this won't provide me with anything to discuss here. I'll be fine and I won't worry about the people I know who are most susceptible to this virus. Of course I do feel bad for everyone that has it... including Idris Elba, which I just saw on Twitter. If anything major happens to me it will be discussed ASAP... however, that will be highly unlikely.

To mention what I did do in the past week...last Monday I went to two locations in the Orlando region new to me. I ate at Cafe Rio, a Mexican cantina that has locations across the country. To me, the tacos tasted fine, although the rice that was offered I was more nonplussed about. The price was a few bucks more than Chiptole and well, I rather stick with Chipotle instead. I then went to Rock & Roll Heaven, a record store which also has cassettes, CD's, movies, and random bric-a-brac all over. Furthermore, I understand they have a hell of a band... anyhow, I purchased three CD's, the most interesting of which was a release of Miami Vice music. It was from 1989, which isn't so unusual... until you hear it was from Germany.

Otherwise, Wednesday I went to the Mall at Millenia for food and other places I stopped at for food were Shake Shack and Wawa. I did have to go to the grocery store on Friday night, and I am glad it wasn't as horrid as it could have been. That said, some shelves looked as if they were attacked by a swarm of locusts as they were completely empty. This includes... toilet paper. I know this is a worldwide problem as I heard about fights over TP in Australia about a week ago. I wish I knew why this became a precious commodity; at least I was able to get most of what I wanted, and nothing that was essential was missed out on. This is all that I'll share about what I've done in the preceding week.

I will wish everyone good luck under these bizarre circumstances, and the best of health also.

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