Monday, May 13, 2019

Lovebugs, Batman Returns, Arooga's & Hole In The Wall Bars

This past week... not spectacular. I tried to have the best time I could but fate seemed to conspire against me. Monday the 6th I went and saw Batman Returns; the previous Saturday I viewed the '89 Batman at Disney Springs-this time it was at a smaller chain which I'll be too nice to and not publicly name. I've been there before and quibbles could be made about some things. This time it was more serious... besides a cashier who had tremendous difficulty because I gave him cash (yes, I still try to pay cash at places when I can; I am retro like that) the movie presentation started a half hour late, which I was none too happy about. The fact that as a kid I was not a fan of the film and I still don't love it did not help; it was not something I hated as the production design was tremendous-it's just that superhero films aren't for me, as I've uttered before.

Tuesday I did nothing but Wednesday I went to a Walmart to pick up some items. Them not having enough employees to check out at the traditional cash register (as I don't like using self check out and I couldn't use that anyhow as I needed to put money on a gift card) then the employee having a heck of a time putting money onto said gift card-this is one reason why the week as a whole could have been better... it was just embarrassing as there was a big line behind me. At least I found the Berry limited edition flavor of Pepsi and that is also good.

Thursday I returned to Disney Springs, this time eating at a place literally called Hole in the Wall; it's a bar attached to the Irish joint Raglan Road. I ate once in the restaurant, years ago, and the food was good. This time I ate outside at the bar and along with a Harp beer I got... of course I got my “almost always” of a burger and fries! That was good, even with it not being the cheapest meal and also the lovebugs flying around. I have not mentioned those in years as it's been a long while since they were out in droves like they are now. Each May and September you can find those bizarre critters flying all around Florida; there are urban legends about them being created in Florida so they could eat mosquitoes but that is poppycock... they are all around the Gulf Coast, so I've heard. They do eat decaying plants so I can't say they are totally pointless, but they smash against your car and it's a real hassle trying to remove those remnants as they really stick on there. As if the traffic I've experienced as of late wasn't atrocious enough (and believe me it's never been worse; it seems like drivers get stupider and stupider and do the most befuddling things) there is the hope that you don't run into a swarm of lovebugs.

Anyway, for Friday I was thinking of going on an adventure and be on the road for a good amount of time in order to experience new things and talk about them here. I then realized that once again I should be old and sensible again as later this month I know I'll be on the road to visit various places, so it'd be more logical to stay in Orlando and try out new places... which is what I did. This time it was an oddly-named sportsbar known as Arooga's. From viewing their website, they started in Pennsylvania and also have some restaurants in the Northeast... & the one Florida location presumably because a lot of people from the Northeast retire down here. Once I got waited on, things went fine and the food was decent-enough, I suppose. Before that I stopped at a Total Wine & More for some booze.

The weekend I did nothing at all except have a nice Mother's Day with my mom; I know, awwww. Friday when I was on the road, I had to take a detour as there was what I later found out was a massive accident where not only did a semi truck tip over on its side, but at least seven vehicles were involved, one was on fire, and there were fatalities. I hope “someone was on their 'smart' phone” was not the cause of that havoc but I have a feeling that was a cause, along with “driving way too fast”, as both things happen frequently down here, believe me. Not being on the road this weekend was a blessed relief.

When I return a week from today, I know a few things I'll be discussing and unless there is complete madness, this upcoming week should be an improvement over the one I just had.

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