Monday, December 12, 2011

Whatcha Gonna Do When TEBOWAMANIA Runs Wild On You?

No matter what the outcome of the game between the Bears and Broncos was going to be, I was going to title this blog in such a colorful manner. Even after how the game turned out… yeah, I do have a few things to say about it.

My Tuesday through Friday weren’t too exciting. Really, the only highlights were me going to Walmart to get some items (and no kidding, I spotted an old guy with giant sideburns that stuck out; the best comparison I can come up with is Martin Van Buren! Honest. In fact, I’m talking about the picture you see of MVB if you look him up on the White House’s official site, that’s how out of control his hair was) and an evening visit to good old Planet Smoothie to consume their gingerbread smoothie, which was pretty good. That’s about it for highlights. I laid low. I won’t say too much about the weather, except that for a day or two there it was relatively chilly. I don’t know if that had anything to do with me feeling slightly under the weather or not. At least I have the proper medicine to combat that.

Oh, and while I’ll miss Space Case and her shorty-shorts, at least at Planet Smoothie I saw someone else wear shorty-shorts, which I usually won’t complain about.

So, I’ll skip ahead to the weekend. Saturday, the only thing I did was go to the local Buffalo Wild Wings to watch the latest UFC pay per view. Most of the fights were pretty good (and I got to see pretty much all of them through various means) so I won’t carp about that. There wasn’t too many people there when I got there early but during the show it became pretty busy. It turns out that a lot of people are interested in Jon Bones Jones, for good reason. The crowd wasn’t hot starting out… the last three main fights, though, they were pretty hot and there were some larger than usual reactions to some notable moments that happened in said bouts. As in the past I’ve known people not to watch UFC events right away but rather watch them a day or two after, I’ll be vague and say that one fight had a real gruesome injury. You couldn’t really see it in real time; on the replays, though… everyone went “OOOHHHH!” in horror, me included. That was pretty graphic.

Now, onto Sunday, and something that I imagine at least one or two people are waiting for me to discuss. Before I even get to the events at Friendly Confines, I’ll mention that my journey there and back included experiencing some horrific drivers, including rather soon after I left home. That didn’t help my moot right there. I mean, it was one of those cases where I couldn’t figure out what in the bloody hell the driver was doing; usually I have some sort of idea. There was at least one nice thing to say about the drive. On the way there I stopped at Planet Smoothie again, this time to consume their Apple Crunch drink, which I also enjoy quite a bit. Some random woman in front of me in line had a newspaper page full of coupons for the place (that’s something they’ve done before, and I’ve taken advantage of that). She asked if I wanted the rest of the page, and I said yes without any hesitation. I used one and as they expire in a few days, I’ll go back there this week to use another one. I did thank that woman; sad to say this sort of kindness isn’t always easily found in Florida.

Now, onto the game. It was the Chicago Bears against the Denver Broncos, led by the hugely-hyped Tim Tebow. As of late, the joke in various online circles is that Tebow is just like Hulk Hogan in his heyday, in that if you don’t remember Hogan’s matches too well, the bad guy would beat on him for awhile before hitting a big move… but Hogan kicked out and then got to his knees and shook while the opponent’s blows had no effect on him, then got up and did some punches, a big foot to the face and then a legdrop, to state it in a quick manner. TEBOWAMANIA is an appropriate term as he has started 8 games this season and is 7-1. Literally in all 7 of the wins, he started off playing not so good to terrible only to Hulk Up in the 4th quarter and suddenly play a lot better and that allowed Denver to come back and win. I mean, that’s unprecedented stuff and yet despite that the Bears have looked so terrible the past few weeks I thought there’d be no need for another Tebow Hulking Up.

I was wrong.

The majority of the game was rather poor from both teams. I mean, I was happy I could watch some other NFL games at the same time. During much of the game I didn’t hear too much from the Tebowaholics or whatever the fanbase would like to call themselves. Then suddenly, the Bears were leading 10-0 and up to about 5 minutes left in the 4th quarter, things were going fine and I was hoping there’d be no Hulking Up. But, things went awry. That indeed did happen and suddenly it was 10-7. As he was slicing and dicing the Bears D, I got the sinking feeling in my stomach of “Oh… no. It’s happening!” But, Chicago got the ball back and likely would have won… if not for Chicago player Marion Barber being a damned idiot and doing something really stupid. That allowed for Tebow to continue the comeback and suddenly the game was tied after a monster field goal. To my surprise there was a HUGE reaction to the field goal. I mean, there were many more Tebow fans than Bears fans at the Chicago-themed sports bar/restaurant, much to my consternation. Me thinks there’s some fair weather fans… and I tell you, one reason why there’s a segment that can’t stand Tebow (aside from the nonstop slobbering of him that has taken place for many years by this point) is that the fanbase tends to be happy to LOUDLY brag about how great of a guy he is and how he’s a True American Hero and other such hyperbole. It gets old.

Anyway, thus, the game went into overtime, and I did not have high hopes for the Bears winning. I was proven correct, as Barber did another really stupid thing, in this case coughing up the ball and giving it to Denver. Some plays were run and after another monster field goal, the Broncos won, many of the people there went batshit crazy, while the Bears fans walked out with sullen looks on their faces. I’m sure my facial expression wasn’t too different. That last drive was the big boot and then the legdrop. I was happy to get away from the crowing and bragging Tebow fans, as I heard it off and on since I got there around 3:20. Having to listen to that for about 4 hours straight… not fun.

To give an analogy, Denver was Hulk Hogan, the Bears were a big bad heel like, say, King Kong Bundy and Marion Barber was the inept heel manager (in this case Bobby “The Brain” Heenan”) whose interference backfired a few times and that was a big reason why Hogan was able to win. That win for Denver really stings; I mean, that’s a legendarily bad loss for Chicago. I don’t know if they’ll even win another game the rest of the season. Meanwhile, for the Tebows, next week they have to go against big bad New England, which is like Hogan wrestling Andre the Giant. As I saw someone saw on Twitter last night say and I’ve heard before, there’s the possibility that the Super Bowl will be Denver vs. an undefeated Green Bay Packers. I would not be shocked if it happened given how things have been going. And I would have to become a Tebowaholic!

I’ll be back a week from today. Not much is on the agenda but I’m sure I’ll do some things worth writing about.

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