Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Gochujang Sauce, Alien: Romulus, Coraline, Afraid, Sid Vicious & James Earl Jones

Around this time next week I'll make my next post & finally I will be caught up. For now, discussion of a few theatrical movies plus several random tidbits. First, just why my opinion of Alien: Romulus was lower than that of most people. Alien is a classic & Aliens is one of my personal favorites. Romulus was just dumb from the beginning, was even more dimly-lit than most modern movies, had insufferable characters, the inclusion of a certain actor & the size of their role was just a horrendous idea and by the final act it seemed like a fan film... a bad fan film. Why many people liked or even loved it is beyond me.

Coraline in comparison was much more appealing to my tastes; while it was something I should have watched when it first came out 15 years ago, at least my initial viewing was on the big screen. Between the stunning stop-motion animation, the macabre story and the score, it was a delightful experience. Not as delightful was viewing a movie I suspected would be bad, and Afraid was indeed that. At least it was at the AMC at Disney Springs. Afraid has John Cho and his family receive an AI device that runs the house-as they constantly remind you, it's much more advanced than Alexa. The movie was just a dumb mess which did at least try to be modern but it was so disjointed and the final 10 minutes became so hysterical, I can't give it a passing grade yet at the same time it can't be rated as terrible. It was viewed in one of their 10 Dine-In auditoriums, meaning a dinner of boneless wings was had by me. For the first time I tried it with gochujang sauce, not knowing for sure what the taste would be. You know what, it was actually pretty good; it's a sauce that should have been tried by me in the past.

As a pro wrestling fan of course I have to mention that Sid Vicious (i.e. Sid, Sycho Sid, Sid Justice, etc.) passing away recently was sad news. Sure, he was eccentric-that's why he never stayed in one federation for too long-but what a million dollar look and million dollar charisma he had. People I know who haven't watched in ages still remembered him. I did see him wrestle live once: at a WCW Nitro show in Rockford, Illinois. For a show in a minor market like Rockford they went all out with surprises and big matches. Besides getting to see a match in the perennial feud between Sting and Ric Flair, Sid wrestled against none other than Hulk Hogan.

Finally, like everyone else I was saddened to hear that James Earl Jones died. Yet I shouldn't be too sad—he lived to the age of 93 and for decades was beloved by millions around the world. It's a voice that will be missed as it's literally been heard by me since my childhood.

To reiterate, sometime next week I shall return.

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